I’m super excited to announce that I finally launched the podcast!! It’s been an idea that I've had for quite a while, and I really see this as an extension of my mission to provide you with more content that can help empower you to overcome obstacles and create positive changes in your life. And I have to be honest and say it’s been on the agenda for about (hides face in hands) almost 18 months… which I really don’t like saying out loud… I mean c’mon?! 18 months?! But the truth is, I wasn’t clear enough on exactly what I wanted it to be, and more importantly, who I wanted it to be for.
Sometimes, you have to go on a bit of a journey for these things to land where they should, and that’s absolutely been the case for me and this show. I was due to launch in January but the universe threw some MAJOR curveballs my way, so I instinctively delayed the launch and took some time to reflect, heal, grow and inevitably, come back stronger.
What the heck does Mindset, Mess & Magic even mean?!
So let me back up a minute and explain exactly why I’ve called the show Mindset, Mess & Magic. Well firstly, I never wanted to name it after myself… like “The Hayley Scott Summers Show” just didn't sit with me AT ALL!! That’s no disrespect to anyone who has a namesake show or has built a big brand so it makes sense for them, thats really cool. But it just wasn’t for me.
I wanted to create something that reflected my mission and something that isn't focused on me, because it’s not about me, its for my clients, for you, for anyone that can gain value from my work and my experience. And when the name, Mindset, Mess & Magic, finally came to me, it just made sense.
Because that’s kinda what life is all about. Life is both messy & magical and all things in between, and our mindset, how we perceive everything, is really what determines the quality of our lives, during both the mess & the magic. And just as importantly, how we can find the magic, amogst the mess. I mean, thats my jam!! And that to me really is magic.
Cool. So, what’s it all about?!
Well, let me ask you this…
What if you could find good from bad situations & experiences?
What if you could turn your greatest struggles and adversities into your most remarkable strengths and gifts?
What if you could choose your path, regardless of where you came from, how you grew up or where you are at this precise moment right now?!
Essentially, what if you could find the magic amongst the mess? And go on to create a life beyond what you ever thought was possible for you?
Now, as someone who has faced various adversities & obstacles from a young age, I’ve spent my entire adult life obsessed with such questions!! And I’ve spent the past 10 years studying, in both an official and non a official capacity and learning from people all over the world who have overcome far greater obstacles than my own and gone on to achieve incredible things.
And what I’ve come to realise, not just through my own experiences and learning from such wonderfully inspiring people, but also through 1:1 coaching with my own clients, is just how much power there really is in cultivating a growth mindset, developing self belief and letting go of habits and stories that don’t serve you, alongside genuinely taking care of yourself, mind, body & soul. Those things right there, that’s like the most amazing magical combination that you could ever create for an abundant, happy & successful life.
So on the show, we’re going to be exploring a wide range of topics that are all connected to helping you create a life you love and deserve…. Topics around
Self belief
Developing a growth mindset
Cultivating healthy habits & ditching unhelpful habits
Building confidence
Ditching self limiting beliefs and stories
Stepping out of your comfort zone
Dealing with imposter syndrome & the inner critic
How to actually set & accomplish goals
With some self love thrown in
And that last one, I don’t mean in a cheesy, wishy washy kinda #selflove kinda way. No!! I’m really talking about how you can genuinely nourish yourself, physically & mentally and how what we put into our minds & bodies impacts us, daily.
All of which really just ties in with my core values, my message & my coaching practise - I want to give you the tools you need to overcome adversity, self doubt & fear in order to develop true self belief, step out of your comfort zone and create a life you love. And it’s my hope that as we go, I can also bring you lots of inspiring guests to share their journey with you, along with all of their mess & magic
Showing up messy
As I embark upon this new adventure, I’m very much doing something I like to call…. Showing up messy!! This is an expression I have adopted in my own life and one I encourage all of my clients, and you, to do too.
This is where we don’t wait for perfect, we don’t wait for “I feel ready” cos’ ya know, we’ll really be waiting forever. So showing up messy is about showing up right now, as gloriously imperfect as you are!! And be willing to learn and grow along the way.
So I’m really walking my talk here, because despite sitting on this idea for (ahem) 18 months, I have zero experience in podcasting. I have zero experience in public speaking. And I haven’t hosted anything so much as a dinner party since the pandemic!!! And do I feel 100% ready for this. Not really! Hah! I have no doubt that I have a steep learning curve ahead of me, but I’m super grateful for all of it and the opportunity that I have to help empower you on your own journey.
Because I genuinely believe that’s what I’m here for. My life, with all of its mess and magic, and its many many lessons and gifts, it has all been leading to this path in which I get to support and encourage yo, as you navigate your own mess and magic.
Thank you for being here, I’m so excited to see where we go together! Don’t forget to check out the podcast, I’ll be publishing a new episode every week and you can find it on Apple Podcast, Spotify & Google Podcast.
See you there!