How many times have you found yourself saying one of the following things….
I’m not ready
I’m / It’s not good enough yet
I will do it, just when X Y Z happens
Once I have more money / time / experience then I’ll start
Oh but Katie down the road is doing the same thing and shes so much better than me….
Sound familiar?!
At the time, these may all feel like legitimate reasons to not launch the course, put your products on Etsy or whatever the next step in your business looks like for you. We convince ourselves, that for whatever reason, now is not the time. In reality, there will never be a “right time”.
And, I hate to break it to you, but….
Perfection doesn’t exist!!
Because lets all be honest, perfectionism IS a form of procrastination!
Imperfect actions taken frequently will get you far greater results. There is always going to be something that could be improved or some reason as to why now is not a good time to take action because life has that funny way of always keeping us busy and throwing out the odd curveball (or 10!)
So the trick isn’t to wait until something is perfect or to spend even more time procrastinating - Because lets all be honest, perfectionism IS a form of procrastination!
Do it now, before you’re ready and the very action of doing the thing will give you the experiance you need to improve and learn, and with this confidence in yourself and your craft will follow. But its only by doing, not thinking about doing , that we can actually get good!
if Katie is killing it, good for her AND good for you…. she is proof of what is also achievable for you. Don’t be intimidated, be inspired!
We allll have to start somewhere
So how can you choose progress today over perfection? What actions can you take to get out of this perfectionist rut and actually move forward with you personal and professional goals?! Well I have some great news for you! Because it doesn't need to be complicated or difficult.….
1. Make a plan - What steps do you need to take over the next 6/12 months to reach your goal? Break them all down into bite sized actions.
2. Take action - don’t overthink it. One small step at a time. And celebrate every step!!
3. Be open to learning and receptive to opportunities. This is a journey
4. Extract the lessons from every “failure / mistake” If something doesn’t work look at what you can do differently next time and try again.
And for the love of all things beautiful and shiny, don’t compare yourself to others. Waste. Of. Time. If Katie is killing it, good for her AND good for you…. she’s proof of what is also achievable for you. Don’t be intimidated, be inspired!
If you’ve been struggling to take the next step in your business then I hope this helps inspire you to take some action today. You already have everything you need to make a start, so stop holding yourself back and make a start already!
And if you’re looking for daily tips & inspiration you can join me over on instagram & Facebook via @hayleyscottsummers
See you soon!